“Highlighting Honeoye Falls – Mendon and the Greater Rochester Area” with Tim & Deb Smith (9/4/25)


September 4


07:30 pm - 09:00 pm


Mendon Community Center

167 N Main St

Honeoye Falls, NY, United States

The September 4th meeting of the Honeoye Falls – Town of Mendon Historical Society will feature Tim & Deb Smith, whose topic will be “Highlighting Honeoye Falls – Mendon and the Greater Rochester Area”

In their 6th book Crowning the Animal Kingdom, the Smiths went around the world receiving contributions from all 50 states and 107 foreign countries. Their latest book has brought them back home to share stories they’ve gathered and written about people and events in the Greater Rochester area. In their presentation they will highlight the most humorous and intriguing stories they uncovered during years of research.

Tim and Deb Smith are local writers whose work has appeared on a weekly basis in the Mendon-Honeoye Falls-Lima Sentinel for the past decade. They have recently published their 7th book which tackles the topic of the Greater Rochester area… the most interesting history and the most intriguing stories. Tim and Deb reside near the 4 corners of beautiful downtown Mendon and if you have passed through the hamlet during early evenings this summer you may well have seen them out front by the sidewalk, next to the fire, working on their next article or book.

The meeting will begin at 7:30pm on Thursday, September 4, 2025 at the Mendon Community Center, 167 North Main Street in Honeoye Falls. This facility is handicapped accessible. The meeting is open to the public.