January 4th Meeting: “Mark Twain and the Civil War”
The January 4th meeting of the Honeoye Falls – Town of Mendon Historical Society will feature Rosemary Irwin, whose topic will be “Mark Twain and the Civil War”
This meeting will be on Zoom, not in person.
Meeting ID: 844 6272 5707
Passcode: 885953
To this day, US casualties in the Civil War have exceeded those of all the wars our nation has known. Young men in America would have been on the Rebel Side, the Union side, or might have escaped the battles and lived the Gold Rush reality of the Western settlers. Mark Twain once boasted: “I am not an American; I am THE American.” Arguably he was at different times rebel, union, and Gold Rush Westerner. Much of the way we see the Civil War is directly related to Mark Twain—from Huckleberry Finn to his publishing of the Ulysses S. Grant’s war memoir. Come hear about and discuss Mark Twain’s Civil War.
Rosemary Irwin lectures throughout our local area on topics as varied as health care, history, art, and technology. She has also facilitated classes created by Harvard, Stanford, and Humanities New York, translating complex material into lively non-academic discussions. Since 2012, her mission has been “to give lifetime learners a reason to be in the room.”
The meeting will begin at 7:30pm. Again, it will be a Zoom presentation. Please join us from wherever you may be this winter!!
Questions? Call 694-8236.