February 1st Meeting: “The Psychic Highway: How the Erie Canal Changed America”


February 1


07:30 pm

The February 1st meeting of the Honeoye Falls – Town of Mendon Historical Society will feature author/producer Michael Keene whose topic will be “The Psychic Highway: How the Erie Canal Changed America.”

This meeting will be on Zoom, not in person.


Meeting ID: 821 5427 1847
Passcode: 669078

Mike will discuss the history of the Erie Canal and its social, political, and religious significance.

Michael T. Keene is the author of eight books about unusual, but true, stories. He is also the producer of the documentary film Visions: True Stories of Spiritualism, Secret Societies, and Murder, as well as eight audiobooks.

Although employed for more than twenty-five years as a financial advisor, Michael has combined his interest in local history, writing, music and filmmaking to explore unique and fascinating chapters of nineteenth-century New York folklore and stranger-than-life legends.

The events that bubbled out of this period include the Anti-Masonic Movement, the origins of the modern Spiritualist and Paranormal Movements and the Women’s Rights and Anti-Slavery Movements, as well as the founding of seven new religions and utopian communes.

What began as a hobby twelve years ago has now become a grand obsession!

The meeting will begin at 7:30pm. Again, it will be a Zoom presentation. Please join us from wherever you may be this winter!!

Questions? Call 694-8236.