Please note that the Historical Society is not associated with our town or village historians. The Mendon Town Historian is Diane Ham ( / 585-624-4709). The Interim Honeoye Falls Village Historian is also Diane Ham.
Mailing address
Honeoye Falls-Town of Mendon Historical Society
PO Box 26
Honeoye Falls NY 14472-0026
Visit Our Museum
Please do not send mail to this address
1 Harry Allen Park
Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
View on a map
(585) 624-5660
Open Sundays, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Open other times by appointment. Please call us at (585) 624-5660 to request a time.
Contact Drew D. Saur, President
(585) 281-0014
Contact Bill Lane, Interim Museum Curator
(585) 694-8236