We’ve had a change to our October 6, 2022 event.
The October 6 Meeting of the Honeoye Falls – Mendon Historical Society will feature Chris Carosa. The topic of his talk is “How (and What) Forged Our Major Roads.”
Where did our roads come from? How did they get there? Most importantly, why did they get there? You may think our major highways appeared randomly through the good graces of the New York State Department of Transportation (which an assist from the many community Highway Departments they traverse through). But you’d be wrong. There was no central planning. But their formation wasn’t random, either. What was that forged and maintained these thoroughfares we take for granted today? Come learn how both nature and man — from the Ice Age to the Mastodons — worked in tandem to create the much-traveled highways and byways that cross the Greater Western New York Region.
Christopher Carosa is a Best-Selling Author, a Whimsical Playwright, and a long-time Keynote Speaker. Along the way, he’s been an Award Winning Journalist, a Nationally Ranked Mutual Fund Manager, and was recently recognized (by Chicago’s biggest radio state, no less) as the “premiere” Hamburger Historian. Oh, yeah, but you probably just know him as the mild-mannered published of a major community newspaper.
The meeting will begin at 7:30 on Thursday, October 6 at the Mendon Community Center, 167 North Main Street in Honeoye Falls. This facility is handicapped accessible. The meeting is open to the public.
For information, call 624-5655.